Monday, October 24, 2011

Swiper, no swiping! Adventures at Hobby Lobby.

Hi Friends! So it's been a few days since I've written. I know you've all been dying to hear the latest series of exciting events that have been taking place in the Mentasti household since my last post, so I'll try to fill you in as quickly as possible: holy cow so much has gone on I can't even muster up the strength to write about it.
Ha. Just kidding. Every has been pretty normal for us - which is not to say it's been normal in your definition of the word, just mine. Over the past 4 days, I've had 22 tutu orders; mostly custom, and mostly fun. That has kept me extremely busy and I am also in desperado need of a manicure as my sewing skills could be better, if you know what I mean. But let's move on and discuss the events in the life of Owen. Lately the "terrible twos" (a phrase I think is actually just silly because at any given age, your child is likely to be terrible) have struck. Owen has lost all listening skills (or so he has tricked us into thinking anyway) and has lately decided that going to the bathroom in the backyard is way cool. I do believe I mentioned this in one of my previous posts, but if not, don't worry-I'm sparing you the details.
So onto the highlight (oh man this is going to make me sound like such a mom dork--which I refer to as MD's by the way) of my took place this fine afternoon at my favorite place, Hobby Lobby. (MD). I am so sleep deprived right now that it's not even funny therefore although I have managed to stay on a daily showering regimen, the daily "make yourself look presentable" plan has not been happening as often- but I thought, who really cares? I'm just going to Hobby Lobby. Everyone there looks like me, basically. Just a bunch of MD's cruzin' around for junk we all think we need. However this week is a fantastic Hobby Lobby week because there is a 40% off one item coupon AND ALL TULLE SPOOLS ARE 50% OFF. HUGE PEOPLE. Weeks like this save me hundreds of dollars, so face made up or not, I'm getting my behind to HobLob.
So as I am checking out with my 37 spools of beautiful tulle; my son (note: going through terrible twos) is trying to simultaneously jump out of the shopping cart and snatch the candy rack on the way down. He was unsuccessful, but no credit given to me. This disaster was saved by a girl roughly his age in the isle next to us who had in her cute little hands a stuffed Dora doll and and stuffed Boots doll as well. The heavens shown down and all was well with the world because Owen calmly sat back down and said "Mom, Dora! Boots!" Thank you Nick Jr. for this wonderful show.
Well; I hope the mom never comes across my blog because of what I'm about to call MD. Yep, she too is part of the club. And then it happened. The two of us, the adults in the situation, busted out the Dora theme song, hand motions and all. I am so embarrassed to be writing this. You should have seen the looks on all 4 cashiers' faces. A mixture of "WTF are these MDs doing" and "Wow...I need a new job" I think were two of the first thoughts going through the heads of these HobLob workers.
The song concluded, we said our goodbyes and I ran to the car faster than the speed of lightening in fear that one of those hidden camera shows was going to catch me in the act of breaking out into Dora song and dance. Wow. It was truly remarkable. The sad thing is, I venture to HobLob approximately 3-4 times a week. I know almost every worker bee in the place. Now I'm going to have to go to another HobLob, which is 20 minutes further from my house than my normal hang out just to save what's left of my reputation. Shoot.

Anyway; as I mentioned before--totally normal here. Oh and Owen painted the back sliding glass door today too. Can't wait for Chris to come home.

Until next time,
xoxo Kristen

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