Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just a day in the life...of a suburban housewife.

Hola Amigos! (Yep, learned that from Dora too) Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I know it's been a few days since I've updated you on the exciting life of the Mentasti's, so I figured that now was a good time to quit cutting tulle, making tutus, and preparing for the death of me (aka: next week's craft fair) and unload on my fabulous readers!!! Lucky you-gold star today! So let me see what's happened in the last few days. See; here's the prob. My mind moves about 800 miles per hour and with each of those movements comes thoughts. I need like an implanted post-it machine that spits out thoughts as I think them that way I can really give you a good picture of my day to day life, but until one of you entrepreneurs creates that device (and I will do a clinical trial for you; just sedate me please first), then I will have to rely on my memory...ha! That's funny. Anyway, let's move on, ya?
So the last time I wrote was last MONDAY. Wow. Bad blogger, right here. But at least I should have some good material. First and most importantly; there have been no further events consisting of Owen using the bathroom in the backyard--this is a plus. A big plus. Yey for success!

Tuesday however, was one of the highlights of my life (and this again is going to sound bad, but hey, I've never once claimed to be supermom...) I was working on an adult Barbie tutu, which was quite time consuming but fun at the same time, and I believe Owen was a bit annoyed at the fact that I could not devote the entire 12 hour day to playing with his trucks/dragons/scissors (ha! just seeing if you're paying attention)...anyway, I was cutting tulle in the playroom while he was "cooking" his "crab" (a wooden crab puzzle piece) in the fake girly kitchen that he owns and loves. Well apparently I was not paying enough attention to the fact that his two minute warning for which he gave me at which point the crab would be fully cooked, was coming to an end, because before I knew it, I was being attacked by a flying crab and a 2 year old sitting on the ground pouting. And the words that came out of his mouth were priceless: "Mommy, I'm SAD at you." Now some people may take that as, "wow that's really awful, he's sad. I took it as my opportunity for a little teaching lesson on the difference of being mad at someone and sad at someone. I explained "Owen, sad is when you go to Nordstroms and find out that the dress you've been drooling over for weeks only comes in size 12.....Mad is when Daddy comes home an hour late from work and I am responsible for 60 entire more minutes of two year old entertainment." He pondered my explanation for a few seconds and then responded.."Nope, I'm VERY sad at you." So that was that. I laughed. Put the crab back in the microwave; put the kid in the wagon and took 8 laps around the block. Things turned out fine.

Over the next few days, I don't really know what happened honestly. Things are quite blurry due to lack of sleep and attempting to attend every single Halloween function within 20 miles of my home. BTW: Need a review of a trick-or-treat street/hayride adventure/anything Halloween related event within a 50 mile radius of Highlands Ranch-I'm your girl. Hit me up.  In fact, here are some photos for your enjoyment. FYI: We decided that this year we would be the Superhero family (no need to remind you that we are absolute nerds and that's that, don't bother trying to change the status, we're quite content.)

So I honestly have a ton more to blab about but like I said, I don't have a post-it machine to spit out thoughts the moment they come out, so until I can remember the good and juicy parts of last week, I'm off!

Much Love!!

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