Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Hero, A Staph Infection, A Craft Fair, and A Birthday Party

Oh fun friends; where do I even begin? This week has been one of those weeks that you have (ok so maybe only I have "these weeks", but let's pretend that you have them to, it makes me feel better about myself when others are in the same boat if ya' get my drift) only occasionally that are absolutely hilarious, unreal, and completely entertaining in both good and bad ways. Did that make sense? Probably not, but we'll move on anyway. I also should note now, that I am totally aware that in order to make a blog truly entertaining and worth looking at/reading are those that include photos. I am going to lack in this department (see ya!, to those clicking the x button at this point) because I'm an idiot and forgot to include the necessary camera card when taking my camera to certain events this past week. I know, silly mistake. At least I didn't meet Justin Bieber or something and then realize my lack of camera card preparedness--that would have sucked really bad. Especially now that he has a possible love child, those photos would have sold for enough money to potentially put Owen through college--but like I said, I didn't run into the Biebs, but I am pausing momentarily to put the camera card into the camera for my next outing.
So on Tuesday we'll say (I don't know exactly what day this happened), I got to hang with Erin Moroni! I say this with excitement because she is the funny lady that I have ever met in my life (and as I've mentioned before, I've had the privilege of meeting some very interesting/funny people via my business...) and I cannot tell you how much I laughed the day we hung out. My stomach actually hurt after leaving her house that day because of how much she made me laugh. I'm pretty sure I've talked about how Erin was my very first Tickled Tutu client (too bad for her--those tutus were soooooo not cute, she was a nice lady to pay for them and not just walk away from the hot mess) and how randomly I came across her blog ( GO THERE for laughs and fun) and decided that it was necessary to say hi and yada yada now she is my new hero in life. So that was a great start to my week. Owen had so much fun playing with her girls and all of the toys in her gigantic beautiful house; and unfortunately may have also injured one of her children's pet lizards because he felt it would be a good idea to swing it around by it's tail... (so far it's still alive, I think), but other than that, it was just an awesomely fun day in a nutshell.

So back up a night; or something, maybe I visited Erin on Wednesday, who really cares, but the night before visiting Erin, I had a small incident that involved my foot and a toothpick. The short version is the toothpick (well half of it anyway) ended up lodged inside my left big toe. My husband, who also witnessed this happen, talked me into thinking that this was not really a big deal and that like a small splinter, it would eventually just come out-or something like that. I bought his answer (weird) and moved on with life until I woke up the next morning and my toe was slightly larger than it should be. Anyway, this was the morning I was to visit my hero and so there was nothing that was going to stop me from doing that; and since I could still fit my foot into my shoes, again I moved on with life.

Fast forward to Friday night. (Yes, toothpick had at that point been in the big toe for approximately 3-4 big deal says husband, right?) Friday night was craft fair setup night. The night where you really need to be on your A-game and get your booth set up so that Saturday's craft show goes smoothly. Well. Toothpick toe decided to become a problem. A problem called a staph infection. My bad. Moral of the story--your husband is not always right, actually this just affirms what I usually know to be true, which is, the wife is always right. THERE WAS A TOOTHPICK IN MY TOE FOR DAYS AND I DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Hello? Such an idiot I am. So at 9:45pm on Friday night (I'm purposely leaving out the part where the toothpick made its exit from my toe for your sake, trust me it was gross), there I sat in Urgent Care while a "nurse" -- she also checked me in so I'm not sure what her actual title is, but we'll call her a nurse; so I sat there while a nurse and a doctor looked at the crater in my toe and then proceeded to dump an insane amount of hydrogen peroxide into the hole and scrub my toe with a Brillo pad thing like scrubbing was going out of style. I would have rather given birth without drugs. IT. WAS. THAT. PAINFUL. Fast forward to 12:30am (note: craft fair setup for Saturday morning starts at 7am) I am hopping on one foot out of the urgent care office to my car, driving to the 24-hour creepy Walgreens to get my 84 types of antibiotics/narcotics/things that will prevent me from injuring my husband once returning know, the usual. A freaking staph infection; of which I was told that it would be in my best interest to go to the hospital and have a sonogram taken of my toe (was my toe pregnant? I really didn't understand that part but oh well)--however, no; I had a craft fair to attend to. Another REALLY smart choice, by the way. This is why I suppose I am not a teacher. I'm instead the example of what not to do. "Kids, please meet Kristen. Kristen is our show-and-tell today. She does almost everything that you should not do. Take notes, there will be a test later."

Ok, so yesterday, Saturday, was craft fair day.

This is how Owen feels about my tutus.

The doctor had perhaps mentioned to me a few times that I was to sit on a chair the entire day with my foot elevated and work my booth in that fashion. He obviously has never had to sell tutus at a craft show before. Boy is he missing out on the fun. So after 9 hours on my feet yesterday, life was looking a little less fun than a few days prior. However the pain had subsided because I couldn't even feel my foot by the time the day was over, so I guess that was a plus. I ended up falling asleep on the living room floor around 7pm. Fully clothed, with shoes on. I woke up around 10:30pm with 2 guitar hero guitars on my head and my husband and son were upstairs in bed. Who leaves someone in that condition on the living room floor?!!??! I guess I'm glad they didn't draw on my face. Mean boys. Paybacks will be so much fun. And I DO draw on faces. (Not Owen's face, come on now. Just Chris's.) if you are still reading this, then you deserve an award. Chris, Owen, and I have now just returned home from my friend Erin's house as her youngest daughter's birthday party was today. SO MUCH FUN. Again, you cannot go to that house and not have fun. I really hope that I receive photos from this celebration as I would just love to share the good times with you (although most photos will not be appropriate enough to show---too bad, so sad). The party was a "cupcake decorating" themed party and was soooo much fun. And, Owen didn't even injure Crumb the lizard this time. As we said our "Goodbyes" I noticed that we were leaving with something extra that we did not come with. A bright pink baby doll stroller. For my son to push around, just like all other boys do.... Because he loves it. Thank you Erin. I will end on that note.

The stroller is hiding in the trunk currently. Owen is asleep. If he asks about it when he wakes up, I might have to lie and say that Erin came over and needed it back. Seriously; it will save his dating life in the future to not own a pink baby doll stroller.

And that's all I have in me for now everyone. Take care of your toes. Wear shoes. XOXO